Work hard and become a leader or be lazy and become a slave..
Författare: Saki
The wrong one will find you in peace and will leave you in pieces, and the right one will find you in pieces and lead you to peace.
De som jag vill umgås med behöver inte ha ett vackert hus, en lyxig bil eller mycket pengar.Det räcker med ett vackert leende och ett gott hjärta.
Who you are becoming is more important than who you´ve been.
Don´t take life too seriously because you´ll never get out of it alive. Van Wilder
A sad fact
The people that are most broken and are hurting and are the saddest are the ones that would do absolutely anything for anyone else because they know the pain.They know what it feels like and they want anyone´s to have to go through that.But in doing so, they break even more because nobody ever does… Fortsätt läsa A sad fact
The man who blames others has a long way in his journey to go.The man who blames himself is halfway there.The man who blame no one has already arrived! Chinese proverb
To get anything of value, you have to sacrifice. Do you know the harder thing to do and the right thing to do are usually the same thing.Nothing that has meaning is easy!
What´s in it for me?
Wise man says there´s one rule in the world, a small question that drives all success.The more man invest in that question, more powerful that man will become. What´s in it for me?
Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up! Dark Knight trilogy